"Batec Air Conditioning have a professional team of fully qualified installers that are experienced in installing different types of air conditioners"

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Preventative Maintenance

Batec Air Conditioning's team of air conditioner installers are fully qualified in installing all types of air conditioner products
for the home. The type of air conditioners include high wall split systems, multi-head, VRF/VRV systems, floor or under roof mounted split systems and ducted air conditioners.
Batec Air Conditioning daily operations involve co-ordinating teams of installers and electricians to come to your home to professionally install your air conditioner.
Batec Air Conditioning abide by all Austrlaian air conditioning and refrigeration standards which ensures workmanship is up to standard.
Your satisfaction is important to us and we take pride in our work, that is why we provide a warranty on our installation workmanship for the duration of the
manufacturer warranty.
Batec Air Conditioning's installation warranty differs us from our competition ensuring that not only you are satisfied but to keep quality of work at a high standard.